Caped Cascadia: Sustainability Superhero

Note her sturdy runners and walking stick for long hikes, all purpose gloves for organic gardening, kayaking or snow shoeing, yoga tights and leotard, “whale pin” donation thank you gift from People for Puget Sound, short-cropped hair for easy care when swimming, camping, and participating in old growth forest sit-ins, the forest twigs that nonetheless got caught in her ‘do when she was sitting up in the ancient Douglas Fir, belt of quarters for riding the bus, and her “big dog” companion Gifford (all Cascadians love big dogs).
Thanks to Becky at “Girl in Short Shorts”, who clued me into the Superhero Creation Tool!
Labels: activism, art, conservation, humor, outdoor life, politics, superhero, wilderness
I love her:)
6:35 PM
nice. For several years I have been thinking we need a comic series based on Cascadians struggling for independence. Kinda a merger of the Monkey Wrench Gang meets "Blade Ruiner"°, meets "V For Vendetta" meets Ernest Callenbach's prequal "Ecotopia Emerging". The characters would be engaged in various nonviolent actions to protect the environment, fight for social justice and to overthrow a corporate fascist regime. The would be engaged in an Evergreen Revolution modelled after the various color revolution like Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Bulldozer Revolution in Serbia and the Rose Revolution in former Soviet Georgia. So there would be active banner drops, music events, protests, mock elections along with clandestine activities that would be more like the resistence movements of Nazi occupied France, Denmark and Poland.
°from the Earth First newspaper decades ago and from Ecodefence
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11:41 AM
Wow, you have put some thought into this! How fun... sounds like it would be more dramatic (e.g. Price Valient-esque) rather than comic, per se.
Have you thought about the characters?
12:25 PM
no specific characters yet. For sometime I have been thinking they would look and be average looking Cascadians, but over the last few months I started thinking wouldn't it be kewl to call open the ancient Deities and entities from Cascadia's past. Namely Coyote, Raven and Bigfoot. One could do both if one had the time and energy or several people working on it. Like a story within a story for example "Mermaidman and Barnicle-boy" within the story of SpongeBob. So that realistic characters would be demonstrating various actions (that Gene Sharp suggests in his "From Dictatorship to Democracy" with specification to Cascadia), but inspired by characters on a greater level like Coyote in a current retelling of that mythology.
Hey feel free to e-mail me at
12:55 PM
oh sorry forgot to add. yeah I think it would be more like a graphic novel (manual) than a comic.
Are you interested in the project?
I myself have a lot on my plate already, but it would be fun.
By the way I am the designer of the Cascadian flag nicknamed the Doug (NOT me in the picture)
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Tools for a Revolution
1:11 PM
Thank you for the invitation, but -the Caped Cascadia lark aside - I have no exposure to the graphic novel world.
If you are ever able to put the project in motion, I would love to see the work.
1:20 PM
There is also a "famous" superhero who is suppose to make his home in the southern part of Cascadia. That is the Green Arrow who resides in "Star City".
Ok I am not that much of a comic buff, but hey my goal is to get the meme of Cascadia and independence out there.
2:08 AM
Ha! Caped Cascadia is great :)
2:35 PM
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