The End of the Pink Season

Labels: outdoor life, seasons
Observations on the heavenly-earthy Pacific Northwest and life in vivid, quirky Seattle.
Labels: outdoor life, seasons
Labels: activism, art, conservation, humor, outdoor life, politics, superhero, wilderness
To augment the previous post, a few other NIMBY topics:
Labels: activism, community, housing, lifestyle, NIMBY, politics, Seattle, urban planning
We folks in the greater Seattle area like to be nice. Generous, caring, proactive… we like to think of ourselves this way and have this ideal reflected in our community: support of a wide range of social safety net services, tolerance of diverse lifestyles, environmentally sound urban planning (e.g. “density”), mass transit. We also, however, like our lives to be nice: pretty, quiet, safe, comfortable… with nooooo threat to our property values.
Labels: activism, community, housing, lifestyle, Seattle, urban planning
Labels: community, food, gardening, history, outdoor life, P-patch, Seattle, urban planning
This is a day when, sitting on a driftwood log on the beach, heels dug in the rocks or crouched in the garden clearing away the winter weeds, the sun warms your back and the heat sinks deep into your bones. The body responds… a sensuous relaxation, a gratitude and quiet happiness.
If you played the word association game with “Pacific Northwest”, what would come to mind? Rain, green, Space Needle, ocean…. Odds are, that list would include “salmon,” one of the most enduring icons of the Pacific Northwest, and a creature that has sustained the environment and human society in Cascadia throughout history. Images of the Northwest invariably include salmon spawning in the rivers and being eaten by bears or eagles, Native American totems of salmon, fishing boats heading to sea, plates of gourmet prepared salmon steaks, historical photos of Native Americans spear fishing at waterfalls, current photos of catch-and-release fly fishermen wading in rivers.