A Dog's Life
Cascadia is a dog's utopia. Dogs are tremendously popular in the Northwest. You see dogs everywhere, with runners and hikers and cross country skiers and in cars and boats. They're at the parks, waiting outside the coffeehouses, and even at work. It seems that on just about every other Volvo or Subaru in town is the bumper sticker, "Dog is my Co-Pilot."

(Left: A neighborhood Sunday Morning "coffee klatch")
There is strong public support for animal services. Not only does this region have a powerful network of animal rights advocacy and rescue groups, but also very strong animal protection laws.
Dogs are well cared for (some may say, well, spoiled rotten) in Cascadia. In Seattle, and other Northwest cities, there are areas set aside in public parks specifically as off-leash areas for dogs. These areas are given extra support through service and fundraising groups such as COLA and SODA. Some even have special sections for small dogs only! There are doggie-daycare facilities, dog ranches (free range dog boarding), dog walking services, chic shops and groomers, and do-it-yourself grooming facilities.

There is phenomenal veterinary care as well, from general clinics, to emergency clinics, to specialty care. You can even find naturopathic vets and massage therapists for dogs.
(Left: My dog Sophie on her big bed with her basket-o-toys)
If you are traveling around Cascadia with your co-pilot, here are a few places to stay that are dog-friendly. Dogs are even allowed on the public buses in Seattle, you may need to pay a fare however, and they must keep all four paws on the floor.
I believe the number of well loved and cared-for dogs (and other animals) reflects well on Cascadia. It is suggestive of a humane, loving community... and a happy one. Dogs give back 10 times what they receive.
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace." - Milan Kundera
Labels: dogs